LGF Suris' Suri Ultimate is pure decadence and this uber-soft, luxurious 3-ply blend of Suri and wool is like butter in your hands. The perfect choice for something spectacular to wear around your neck or over your shoulders.
Fiber content: 90% Grade 1 Suri Alpaca, 10% Wool
Yardage / Weight: 300 yards / 3 ounces
About Little Gidding Farm Suris:
Co-owners Margaret and Sue have long shared a love of knitting and textiles of all sorts. With that passion as their guide, they went looking for the ultimate fiber. And they discovered suri alpaca.
Little Gidding Farm Suris (LGF Suris) strives to breed Suri Alpacas to the highest standards, improving the fleece to a degree of fineness and consistency not thought possible, and producing some of the finest suri yarns avaialble. Fleece as fine as 16 micron. Referred to by Incan Royalty as "the fiber of the gods," Suri Alpaca is one of the most rare, luscious types of alpaca fleece around. As soft as cashmere, with an ability to saturate dyes much like silk, resulting in beautiful, richly saturated colors. The result is heaven in your hands!
All of LGF Suris' yarns are 100% U.S. sourced. The fiber is processed in Hastings, Minnesota, then dyed nearby on the family farm in Lester Prairie with virtually no environmental impact. They even recycle the dye water! You'll find two of LGF Suris' yarns at For Yarn's Sake, both fingering weights.