

Article code: P-30491
SKU: BRE-Titus-BrassBand
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  • Details
  • A delicious blend of Wensleydale and Bluefaced Leicester wool, combined with a touch of magical UK Alpaca in homage to philanthropist and Yorkshire mill owner Sir Titus Salt. This luxurious yet authentic combination is also reflected in the shade range: deep, rich colours that evoke images and memories of a land which has such strong historic connections to wool and wool manufacturing.

    Fiber content: 50% wensleydale longwool, 20% bluefaced leicester, 30% UK alpaca
    Length: 350 yards (320 meters)
    Unit weight 100 grams (3.53 ounces)
    Needle size US 2 - 3 or 2.75 - 3.25mm

    Art Yarns yarns at For Yarn's Sake


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